
My altar changes spontaneously as my emotions and my way of perceiving the world change. On my altar, I shape my unconscious and I can observe my inner self. I do it without thinking, guided by the simplicity of the game and what I find beautiful at that moment. Understanding the great magical power that lies in the materialisation of an idea. We are materialising ideas all the time. We are creating realities all the time. My altar in itself has no power, but it is a reminder of my creative power as a human being and that strengthens me.

Marina Breton.

Etymology and origins: altar comes from Latin altus ‘high’.Originally, an altar has seven tiers or steps (symbolizing the route to heaven), each decorated with different trinkets and symbols.

The shift in consciousness of this era does not take the person to heaven, but brings heaven to earth. The altar is no longer “a stairway to heaven” but a reminder that we once descended to earth to embody here the realities we had already dreamed of from another plane of existence. 


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